Celtic Whistles shop. NEW Bent  LOW-D Whistles.

If you love the traditional sound of playing a Low-D Celtic Whistle but don’t like the high price of most Low-D whistles, you have a choice.

Economical but awesome!

Celtic Whistle Customs

New Release – Bent Whistle

Back by Popular Demand

We have redesigned an original. The Bent Whistle is now better than ever. It may look a bit unusual at first but it plays beautifully and looks really cool. The smooth curve has an additional benefit, bringing your fingers to your mouth and giving it a much more natural feeling when playing than any other whistle you may have played.

Flute Totems

Its always been a favorite design

This is the one I personally pick up to play.  I have many options to choose from I just really enjoy the shape and the feeling playing it is hard to describe.  It does have a slightly larger bore and an intentionally rustic surface as we texture them a little before applying the multi layer finish over the plastic.

Materials used are light weight but durable

The body and exterior mouthpiece are constructed of a single high pressure thin wall synthetic polymer. This makes them lightweight but durable. The fipple block is made from a hardwood plug.

Non-Tunable was the way to go

I quickly learned the real truth behind the tunable whistle. I had paid extra to get my first one and found it was frustrating. Taking a tuner and adjusting the mouthpiece to hit the first note. It was tuned perfectly. On to the next note and any adjustment would effect the previous change. There are two many variable to really make precise changes to every note.

We don't sell tunable whistles.

Traditional Tin Whistles were not tunable and I am pretty traditional so neither are ours. We build them tuned knowing that their will be slight variations that even tunable models have but charge you for. At Celtic Whistles we enjoy that traditional sound.

Made in America

My family immigrated to America from Ireland in the 1700’s.  I have always enjoyed the opportunity to share in my origin countries heritage by listing to and playing traditional Irish music.  Our hope is that by playing one of our Celtic Whistles you can capture some those pleasures.

Fast Priority Shipping

Once you purchase a whistle, we will email you with an order confirmation and prepare your shipment to go out the next business day.

Shipped USPS Priority Mail so you will receive your Low-D whistle in just a couple of days.

Your whistle will be brand new. Be sure to  allow it to acclimate to your surrounding temperature for the highest quality sound. 

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Office Location

85 W Combs Rd. #101-300, San Tan Valley, AZ

Open Hours

M-F: 8am – 6pm, S-S, 9am – 1pm



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